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Carrying out ministries takes teamwork, and at Grace, there are many ways to serve within the church through our Ministry Teams. Read more about these teams below and find out where you can use your gifts at Grace.

Care and Fellowship Team

Leads the congregation in building relationships of support and care among members of all ages, including establishing networks of prayer and care, offering support in times of need and joy, and providing opportunities for relationship-building through fellowship events

Lifelong Education Team

Leads the congregation in planning programs for lifelong learning in faith, including Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Bible studies, seasonal faith education emphases, and shared learning events with other congregations; provides leadership for the congregations Milestones Ministry, Scholarship ministry, and ministry with college students/young adults

Youth Ministries Team

Leads the congregation in planning ministries of faith for children and youth, including youth groups, confirmation, First Communion, camp and day camp ministries, childrens/youth music ministries, and other special youth-oriented ministries (such as puppet ministry

Christian School Board

Oversees the administration and operation of the Grace Christian School ministries, promoting the Christian School ministries by actively encouraging congregational support and prayer, and by upholding the Christian School ministries as part of this congregations ongoing response to our Lords Great Commission

Facilities Team

Sees to the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation, taking care that it is kept in good repair. This includes the coordination of congregational volunteers and groups for such care (such as the Haggai group)

Community Hope Team

Leads the congregation in planning and conducting specific events and ongoing ministries to reach out into the community (and beyond) with tangible expressions of Christian compassion, hope, healing, and love for those in need, crisis, or facing the physical/emotional struggles of life in the world

Good News Team

Leads the congregation to grow its ministry and membership, using creative and modern methods to spread the good news of what God is doing in this congregation – and inviting others to experience and participate in Gods work of grace

Worship Team

Plans for the congregations ministries of worship, music, and praise, including special church seasonal emphases; oversees care of the congregations worship materials, supplies, and equipment; handles scheduling and oversight for assisting ministers, ushers, nursery, altar guild, childrens church, communion preparation, communion wares care, acolytes/crucifers/torchbearers, and other necessary worship functions; supports and oversees the congregations organist, choir, choirmaster, and other music ministers

Finance Team

Prepares a draft budget annually to submit to Council and to the congregation; exercises oversight of all the financial obligations of the congregation, the congregations investments, and its total insurance program; provides for annual audits of the accounts of the church treasurers, financial secretary, and schools; coordinates the congregations offering envelopes and tabulator ministry; promotes regular proportional giving for the Lords work; plans for needed capital appeals; regularly uplifts opportunities for planned and estate giving; and sees that the technological resources are kept up-to-date for the work and ministry of the congregation

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